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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Namco Museum Classics Volume 3 System : Playstation Date Added : 2006-02-16 14:51:46 Views : 23906 Pole Position 2: Alternate tracks: Press Triangle to display the options menu. Select "Test" and press X when the "Test" screen appears. Press Triangle again. Select "Dip Sw" and press X to display the DIP switch screen. Press Up to enable switch 1 in the left box. Return to the options screen and select the "Game" option. Press Triangle after the game loads and select the new "Course" option. All four tracks will now have a new layout. Note: The "Test" track is now a straightaway. Galaxian: Hard difficulty level: Pass level 9 during game play, then press Triangle during the next demonstration mode. A "Rank" selection will now be available on the options screen. Select this choice to access the new "Hard" setting. The Tower Of Druaga: Bonus machine: Hold L1 + R1 and press (Up, Right, Down, Left three times. A pickaxe symbol will appear in the bottom left corner of the screen to confirm correct code entry. Move forward in the Tower Of Druaga area of the museum until a brick wall appears. Press X to open the wall to reveal another Tower Of Druaga machine and an FMV sequence related to the game. Galaxian: Color trail mode: Obtain a high score of at least 30,000 points. Press Triangle during the next demonstration mode. Highlight the "Test" option and press X. Highlight the "Dip Sw" option and press X. Press Up to enable switch 6. Begin game play with all ships leaving colored trails. Galaxian: Faster game: Press Select(32) during demonstration mode to add to the "Credits" total in the bottom right corner of the screen. The number "32" should be displayed at this time. Hold Select and press Start to begin game play in turbo mode. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Namco Museum Classics Volume 3 cheat codes.
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